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Cheap hosting at high cost – Uptime and downtime

Cheap hosting at high cost – Uptime and downtime

Cost awareness is something that we hold high on Rackfish, it is the very keystone of our business that enables us to offer our customers higher quality at a still very competitive price. In our book, however, this means that we hold back unnecessary costs, these are not productive, when we buy equipment, we often get the best we can find, and it is often expensive.

We think that our customers should think exactly the same way. If you have a business that is dependent on the internet then you should consider whether this is where you should try to save the most. What will it cost when the site is down for an hour or a day?

My site doesn’t work!

That the website stops working usually takes place at the wrong time. If you have a web shop it’s in the middle of the Christmas shopping, If you are listed on the stock exchange, then it is when a report is published or it is just annoying downtime, back and forth. You lose visitors and customers.

The fact that the website works depends on a number of things – from the actual coding and the cms to the server, storage, internet connections, power supply. Some things you can buy free from, some are very expensive , while some others only require a little routine.

The rule that you get what you pay for applies to web hosting as well as most things ONE difference is that it is difficult

99.8% availability!

Sounds really good! But it means that the web site can be down:

  • Daily inaccessibility: 2 minutes, 53 seconds
  • Weekly inaccessibility: 20 minutes, 10 seconds
  • Monthly inaccessibility: 1 hour, 27 minutes and 40 seconds
  • Annual inaccessibility: 17 hours, 31 minutes and 54 seconds

How to get a reliable Web Hosting Company?

It is possible to spend completely unlimited money on good hosting, just look at the big giants who invest many billions of dollars a month on their operations, and yet suffer from inaccessibility now and then!

Is it okay to be down on a random day? Or even a couple of hours? Do you have any income depended on your server? Can you tell me that you did your best if you buy the cheapest solution?

Rackfish’s solution has been investing in very high quality all the way. We have really good and reliable centers, several internet providers, systems that monitor the operation and which control traffic at the least signs of disturbance, very secure storage and really good suppliers with high service agreements.

Overall, this means that it was very long since we were down. Several years actually, but still suffer customers from downtime. There are many things that can go wrong, unfortunately even though Rackfish’s servers are up and running and talking to the internet. But you have at least solved the technical piece, and Rackfish is far from being the most expensive in the market, in many cases we actually win business because of our prices!

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