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Grolsch – Photo Machines – 2012

Grolsch – Photo Machines – 2012

Project Description

Project Details

A really cool integration of the web and the real world, signed by Naked Communications and Society 46.

The app takes smartphone photography filtering to a new level with pictures being transfered to real life installations, such as old television sets, through a medium format camera or displayed on moving water – then photographed and sent back.

The campaign was awarded three Epica Silver awards as well as nomination for Guldägget and was nominated in two mokbile classes for best use of device camera and experimental/innovation in 2013 webby awards.

Nominated for a mobile Cannes Lion 2013.

Client: Groslch

Agency: Naked|Society 46

Campaign Hosting: Facebook

Project URL:  #

Services provided:


Grolsch photo machines from Grolsch Photo Machines